A probe into the façade of the university, 1978. In 1978 the University of Queensland-run newspaper the Semper ran an article into the university system in Queensland. On the cover of the issue was this caricature image of the Forgan Smith Building at the University of Queensland St Lucia campus. The Semper, 15 February 1978, Collection of the Fryer Library

Fryer Library

Indooroopilly and St Lucia estate, 1895

St Lucia, QLD
27° 30' 7.362" S, 153° 0' 23.5656" E
1 January 1895
29 April 2011
29 April 2011


St Lucia, QLD
27° 30' 7.362" S, 153° 0' 23.5656" E
Survey Office

Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland

Six chains to an inch

Indooroopilly and St Lucia estate, 1895.  This map, sheet 11 of ‘McKellar’s Official Map of Brisbane and Suburbs’, depicted the St Lucia estate and undeveloped land where the University of Queensland would be later built. Brisbane city council resumed 976 land parcels for the project. The cottages of the 284 people that were living at St Lucia were also sold off to raise money. Where the carefully sculpted UQ lakes now lie, the left bank of Carmody Creek was lined with land parcels. Later converted into sports fields, the vacant land on the other side was used for the farm school for young men during the Depression. Street names such as Ethel, May and Alice disappeared from the map as the streetscape was replaced with sweeping thoroughfares which curved around new buildings, accentuating the University’s prominence in the newly created landscape. Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland

Land proposed to be granted to the Queensland Acclimatisation Society, c1890

Herston, QLD
27° 26' 52.3968" S, 153° 1' 45.0624" E
1 January 1890
15 April 2011
15 April 2011


Herston, QLD
27° 26' 52.3968" S, 153° 1' 45.0624" E
Agriculture and Stock Department

Queensland State Archives

4 chains to an 1 inch

Land proposed to be granted to the Queensland Acclimatisation Society, c1890. This map shows the Acclimatisation Society’s land adjacent to the land used for the Exhibition Park. Gradually the land was conceded to the demands of the National Association to be used for the Brisbane Exhibition and the society moved its grounds to a site at Lawnton in the early twentieth century. Correspondence relating to exhibition grounds, Bowen Park, Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Dagworth bore, 1896

1 January 1896
13 April 2011
13 April 2011


Water Supply Department

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Dagworth bore, 1896. This profile of Dagworth bore recorded the geological layers beneath the surface. The bore was drilled to a depth of 3335 feet and the water came out at 196° fahrenheit. The source of this water was a thick layer of sandstone wedged between two layers of shale. When Banjo Paterson composed ‘Song of the Artesian Water’ in 1896, the bore produced 775,000 gallons per day. This was a substantial reduction from the previous year when Paterson was holidaying at Dagworth station. Queensland votes and proceedings, Vol 4, 1896

Perambulator survey of runs in West Maranoa, 1863

Charleville, QLD
26° 24' 4.842" S, 146° 14' 22.7508" E
1 January 1863
11 April 2011
11 April 2011


Charleville, QLD
26° 24' 4.842" S, 146° 14' 22.7508" E
Department of Lands

Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland

Perambulator survey of runs in West Maranoa, 1863. In the unsettled districts of western Queensland, pastoral boundaries often amounted to little more than a surveyor’s blazed tree. Early plans produced for the Lands Department recorded their location as well as other landscape features. Conducted in 1863, the first survey of the upper Warrego River recorded the location of two Landsborough camp sites. Made on the 9 May 1862, ‘camp 66’ is depicted on the east bank of the Warrego, not far from a ‘well watered creek’ described by Edmund Kennedy in 1847. Within a newly surveyed 32,000 acre block, Landsborough’s ‘camp 67’ is depicted near the junction of the Warrego and Ward Rivers. The Lands Department continued using this map to later record town reserves and land resumptions. Collection of the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying, DERM, Brisbane

Route travelled by the Leichhardt Expedition 1844-45, 1963

1 October 1963
2 March 2011
2 March 2011



Copyright © Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland, the University of Queensland

Route travelled by the Leichhardt Expedition 1844-45, Walkabout, October 1963. Map by M.V. Lorman. Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland, the University of Queensland

Thurulgoona Bore No 12, south-west Queensland, c1910, photograph taken during hydraulic survey of western Queensland. Collection of the Queensland State Archives, Item 1176022 DID 3244

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

Well profiles Mitchell to Dulbydilla, 1886

Mitchell, QLD
26° 29' 9.0348" S, 147° 58' 45.444" E
1 January 1886
25 February 2011
25 February 2011


Mitchell, QLD
26° 29' 9.0348" S, 147° 58' 45.444" E

Section of railway line from Mitchell to Dulbydilla showing water bearing stratum and shale beds with the wells put down in the neighbourhood. From J. Falconer, Water supply: springs and their origin: artesian wells and water supply: Queensland gold deposits, Brisbane, Warwick and Sapsford, 1886

Thurulgoona Bore No 9, south-west Queensland, c1910, photograph taken during hydraulic survey of western Queensland. Collection of the Queensland State Archives, Item 1176019

Collection of the Queensland State Archives

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