The Flying Cloud made voyages to Queensland carrying immigrants between 1863-1870, from painting by J. Spurling, c1865, Collection John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland

Collection John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland image 12815


‘Queensland was established as a distinct Colony in 1859, under Sir G Bowen as first Governor. Area 678,000 sq. miles, or six times as large as Great Britain, of this about 195,000 sq. miles is occupied by pastoral stations. Pop (1861) 30, 059 (1864) 61,372. Immigrants from Britain (1862) 8573. In 1864 colonists arrived at the rate of 300 per week. Capital Brisbane, Pop (1861) 4225, (1864) 12,000. Imports (1862) £1,330,225. Exports £769,742. Wool exported (1860) 5,007,167 lbs. Value £444,188. Amount of Cotton grown in year ending 31 Dec 1863 – 34,000 lbs.

Emigration map of Queensland, 1865

1 January 1865


Edinburgh, Scotland
1: 3,358,000 (or 53 miles to an inch)

Emigration map of Queensland, constructed from the most recent surveys and explorations by W. & A.K. Johnston, Geographers & Engravers to the Queen, Edinburgh, 1865. The map folds into pocket size, with a hard cover for protection. The world map inset shows the voyage from Edinburgh round the Cape of Good Hope through Bass Strait and up the east coast to Brisbane. The second inset map shows Australia with Queensland in green. The likely emigrant using this map may have been headed for Rockhampton, and then by rail and road to the gold diggings near Peak Downs. Hand annotations note the railway west and road to the diggings and the margin notes the “Harbour for shipping steamers from Rockhampton at head of navigation on Fitzroy River. Rockhampton population 7000 souls.” The map includes the paths of explorers Leichhardt, McKinlay, Burke, Wills, King & Grey, Landsborough, and Sturt and includes some of their observations such as ‘Low sand hills & black soil plains’.

To Frederick

We thank you for the welcome which you gave us in good rhyme,

And we like your mountains blue, and your warm and sunny clime;

Right thankfully we press the soil we travelled, for - but yet

Our dear, our native England we never can forget

Yours is a land of plenty, and almost cloudless skies,

But dearer far the land we left, - home of the great and wise.

‘T is the country of the Mind - we mean you no offence -

But we venerate its classic halls, its blight intelligence.


Its castles, towers, its palaces, it


Brisbane, QLD
14 April 1849
Moreton Bay Courier
Brisbane, QLD
Reply to the poem 'The Welcoming to the Immigrants per Fortitude' by a passenger debunking the immigration motives expressed by Frederick, published in the newspaper Moreton Bay Courier, Brisbane, 14 April 1849, p2-3.

The Welcoming to the Immigrants per “Fortitude”

Hail! strangers, hail!


Brisbane, QLD
24 February 1849
The Moreton Bay Courier
Brisbane, QLD
Poem published in the newspaper welcoming the immigrants on the "Fortitude", the first of the vessels to arrive in Moreton Bay under the auspices of Dr John Dunmore Lang. Moreton Bay Courier, Brisbane, 24 February 1849, p3.

One of the first provisions made by the new Queensland Parliament in May 1860 was to encourage immigration to the vast land area encompassed by the newly declared colony. By the end of the yea

Queensland showing subdivision of sheets, 1927

1 January 1927


Queensland Parliamentary Papers
Queensland showing subdivision of sheets, Surveyor General's Report, 1927. This map illustrates the significant change in 1927 to the systematic mapping of Queensland.

Geological survey of Queensland, 1928-29

1 January 1928


Map 'The Geological survey of Queensland', prepared by Benjamin Dunstan 1928-29, from the Edgeworth David Collection in the National Library of Australia. It was based on the 1905 Geological Sketch map of Queensland. It was probably sent by Dunstan to Edgeworth David. Courtesy, National Library of Australia

Preliminary plot of Queensland section of Geological map of the Commonwealth of Australia

1 January 1928



This hand-drawn and hand-painted map from the Edgeworth David collection in the National Library of Australia, is a Preliminary plot of Queensland section of Geological map of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1928-29. It is probably a tracing done by Edgeworth David and sent to Queensland for correction. He could safely send this copy to Queensland without any fear of something happening to his original compilation. Courtesy National Library of Australia

The 1928-29 map ‘Preliminary plot of Queensland section of Geological map of the Commonwealth of Australia’ is a good illustration of the state of the technology of map creation at the time that it

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