Ham’s Map of the City of Brisbane, 1863

1 January 1863
22 November 2010
22 November 2010

Collection of the State Library of Queensland, image 593237

Ham’s Map of the City of Brisbane, Queensland, 1863. Compiled from official & private sources and lithographed by T. Ham & Co. Published by J.W.Buxton. Queen Street, Brisbane. The plan of the Botanic Gardens showing areas for plants indigenous to New Holland, plants arranged according to their natural order, plants indigenous to the four quarters of the world, flowering shrubs, Australian plants, a lawn, labyrinth, arboretum and aquarium. Collection of the State Library of Queensland


Garden layouts from H. Oakman, Gardening in Queensland, Brisbane, Jacaranda Press, 1960.

Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland

Cover of D.A. Herbert, Gardening in warm climates, Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1952

Collection of Jeannie Sim

The interest in potentially economically valuable plants (for food, timber, dyes, fabric, and drugs) was part of the concerted effort given by colonial governments towards providing botanic gardens

Members of the Queensland Acclimatisation Society in the nineteenth century played a key role in the importation and experimentation with many plants.

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