Where the big things are, 1983

1 January 1983
29 April 2011
29 April 2011


The cane toad times

Collection of Anne Jones and The cane toad times

Where the big things are, 1983. In the first edition of The cane toad times, an irreverent journal about all things Queensland, an article on ‘Big Things’ featured this map. The paper stated, ‘In Queensland, we are unusually blessed with Big Things; the joy of the Big Mower, the awe of the Big Car Stereo, the effort of emptying enough stubbies to build the Big Stubbie, the ludicrousness of the Big Seagull holding a lawn bowl, the shabbiness of the Big Clown and the Big Flagman at Santaland, the terror of the Big Hammer poised to pulverise cars venturing to Ipswich – these Big Things and many others enrich our lives.’ It was estimated that there were at least 50 ‘Big Things’ within 100 miles of Brisbane. The cane toad times, September 1983

Darling Downs land use map, 1952

Dalby, QLD
27° 10' 59.8296" S, 151° 15' 49.4928" E
1 January 1952
15 April 2011
15 April 2011


Dalby, QLD
27° 10' 59.8296" S, 151° 15' 49.4928" E
Bureau of Investigation

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Darling Downs land use map, 1952. Under the Land and Water Resources Development Acts, 1943 to 1946, the Bureau of Investigation’s annual report summarised its inquiry into agricultural development in the Darling Downs. The report included a ‘tentative’ soil map to assist future planning as well as this land use map. This map showed areas under cropping and different types of grazing and was compiled using aerial photographs and records from the government statistician. Queensland parliamentary papers, vol 2, 1952

Darling Downs soil map, 1952

Dalby, QLD
27° 10' 59.8296" S, 151° 15' 49.4928" E
1 January 1952
15 April 2011
15 April 2011


Dalby, QLD
27° 10' 59.8296" S, 151° 15' 49.4928" E
Bureau of Investigation

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Darling Downs soil map, 1952. Under the Land and Water Resources Development Acts, 1943 to 1946, the Bureau of Investigation presented its eighth annual report in October 1952. The report commented on the potential for further agricultural development of the Darling Downs and included a ‘tentative’ soil map based upon ground traverses and inspection of aerial photographs. According to the Bureau of Investigation, soldier settlement had contributed significantly to development, however, there were still large areas available for agricultural production on the western section of the Downs. Where Brigalow once stood between Warra and Jandowae, wheat growing was another option, while the open grassland between Dalby and Brookstead could be ‘brought under the plough’. Development of winter crops like linseed and wheat were expected west of the Condamine. According to the Bureau, these areas comprised of older alluvia than the fertile black soil plains and would require fertilizer. Similarly with the application of fertilizer the ‘sandier portions from Kurrawa towards Lake Broadwater’ had the potential for winter cropping. Maps such as this demonstrated the growing significance of soil science for the economic development and exploitation of the land. Queensland parliamentary papers, vol 2, 1952

Australian sugar growing and refining sites, c1950

1 January 1950
14 April 2011
14 April 2011



Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland, the University of Queensland

Australian sugar growing and refining sites, c1950. This map shows both the major Australian sugar growing districts along the Queensland coast and northern New South Wales, and also the sugar refineries that were located in Bundaberg, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. It details how much processing of the raw sugar cane was done away from the source. The inset demonstrates the export of sugar from far North Queensland to the rest of the world, which accounted for about half of the raw sugar produced in Australia. Collection of the Centre for the Government of Queensland, the University of Queensland

Queensland sugar map, 1941

1 January 1941
14 April 2011
14 April 2011


Strand Press

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Queensland sugar map, 1941. This map shows 33 sugar mills dotted along the Queensland coast. The Queensland towns and cities that have sugar refineries and distilleries are also marked. Australian sugar year book 1940-41, Brisbane, Strand Press, 1941 

Proposed Queensland sugar mill locations, 1923

1 January 1923
14 April 2011
14 April 2011


Government Printer

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Proposed Queensland sugar mill locations, 1923. In 1922, the Queensland Government appointed William Harris to chair a Royal Commission into the most suitable locations for future sugar mills. From 10 October to 13 December the Royal Commission inspected and listened to the testimony of witnesses at many of these proposed locations. Together with the evidence of interested people, the commission heard from master mariners, Crowns Lands Rangers, officers of the Public Estate Improvement Branch, and other departments of the Public Service. The product of the Royal Commission was a report presented to the parliament which included this map. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the most suitable locations for sugar mills which may be erected in the near future, Brisbane, Government Printer, 1923

Re-claimed prickly pear lands, 1935

1 January 1935
13 April 2011
13 April 2011


Department of Lands

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Re-claimed prickly pear lands, 1935. In 1935, prickly pear was being controlled mainly by the work of Cactoblastis cactorum and other insects introduced from overseas. This map recorded the area formerly infested with prickly pear, as well as newly re-claimed lands under development. Queensland parliamentary papers, Vol 2, 1935

Proposed sugar mill sites, Tully and Banyan area, 1923

Tully, QLD
17° 55' 58.3284" S, 145° 55' 24.8016" E
1 January 1923
13 April 2011
13 April 2011


Tully, QLD
17° 55' 58.3284" S, 145° 55' 24.8016" E
Government Printer

Collection of the University of Queensland Library

Proposed sugar mill sites, Tully and Banyan area, 1923. This detailed map of the Tully River and Banyan area was included as an appendix to the 1923 report by the Royal Commission into the most suitable locations for sugar mills in Queensland. The members of the commission were quite taken with the Tully site, noting: ‘These lands are the most suitable for cane growing that we inspected, and stand out on their own in comparison with other areas brought under our notice’. Proposed sugar mill sites are shown with a red mark. Notably, each of these marks are located in, or adjacent to ‘forest lands’. ‘Smyth’s site’ (Portion 16, and the second mark from the top of the map), appeared to the commission as the most suitable for a sugar mill in the district. The commission reported, ‘The question of a mill and township site, however, including a scheme for drainage, would require to be very carefully investigated by expert surveyors and engineers in order that the most suitable site may be secured.’ With the sympathies of the then Queensland Premier, and North Queenslander, Edward Theodore, this site was later chosen as the location of the Tully Mill and an adjoining township. Tully Mill would become the largest sugar mill in Australia. Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the most suitable locations for sugar mills which may be erected in the near future, Brisbane, Government Printer, 1923

Brigalow land sale, 1966

Theodore, QLD
24° 56' 46.4892" S, 150° 4' 32.1816" E
1 January 1966
8 April 2011
8 April 2011


Theodore, QLD
24° 56' 46.4892" S, 150° 4' 32.1816" E
Department of Lands

Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland

Brigalow land sale, 1966 advertising three blocks around Theodore. These were part of a land development scheme for the Fitzroy Basin. As stated on the plans, conditions of purchase were governed by the 'Lands Acts, 1962 to 1965' and the 'Brigalow and other Lands Development Acts, 1962 to 1965'. The plans were drawn by the Survey Office and published by the Department of Lands. Good quality plans could be purchased from the Survey Office. This plan was for free distribution. Collection of the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying, DERM, Brisbane

Brigalow land sale, 1963

8 April 2011
8 April 2011


Department of Lands

Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland

Brigalow land sale, 1963 advertising seven blocks west of Rockhampton. These were part of a land development scheme for the Fitzroy Basin. As stated on the plans, conditions of purchase were governed by the 'Lands Acts, 1962 to 1963' and the 'Brigalow and other Lands Development Act of 1962'. The plans were drawn by the Survey Office and published by the Department of Lands. Good quality plans could be purchased from the Survey Office. This plan was for free distribution. Collection of the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying, DERM, Brisbane

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